Battery equaliser 2x 12V

Battery equaliser 2x 12V

Article code:
D1 02 EQ12
Tax rate
22 %
Price with VAT:
43,00 €
ET of delivery
2-3 days

Battery equaliser 2x 12V


Battery equalizer HA01 is used for the lead-acid batteries which are connected in series to keep battery voltage balance.


When two or more in-series connected batteries are in charging/discharging/free status. The battery voltages maybe become different. One battery voltage is high and one is low.    


The battery equalizer will equalize/balance the battery voltage when it detect there are 20mV between two batteries. It will shunt current from one battery (the higher voltage one) to the other battery (the lower voltage one). Until their battery voltage almost becomes same. This will improve battery’s performance and extent battery’s life time.



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