The classic panel is protected with special tempered glass for protection against weather, such as hail, snow and ice. The physical stability of the module provides an anodized aluminum frame.
A typical monocrystalline solar cell is dark black, but the angles of the solar cells are usually rounded up as a result of the production process and the nature of monocrystalline silicon. Such cells yield the highest yield. They are composed of one crystal of silicon (hence the origin of the name MONOcristal).
Polycrystalline cells that are more or less known in their light or dark blue color, and are not monochromatic, since some cells are brighter, some darker. The differences in color of the cells come as a result of the production process. They are composed of several crystals of silicon (hence the origin of the name POLIcristal). Their production is easier and cheaper than in monocrystalline cells.
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